1000 Calorie Diet Plan for Weight Loss Start Losing Weight Today

1000 Calorie Diet Plan for Weight Loss

So you are also on a 1000 Calorie Diet Plan or thinking about starting on one. Before you do, you need to know why it isn’t required to limit yourself to such few calories! There is a much easier way to lose weight fast, and it doesn’t need counting calories, fat grams, or anything also. The real secret to fast weight loss is knowing what foods to eat and how to eat them. Let me tell you a slight bit about a plan that uses a way called “calorie cycling”. Have a look at this 1000 Calorie Diet Plan for Weight Loss and see what it looks like:

1000 Calorie Diet Plan for Weight Loss Start Losing Weight Today

Ok we are about go over a simple 1000 Calorie Diet Plan for Weight Loss that can have you losing weight at a natural steady rate. It’s important that you lose weight at a steady rate or else you will just gain the weight back in the future.You can use the 1000 calorie diet method to lose weight and keep it off. First you want to eat about 300 calories for breakfast. This is one of the most important parts of meals because it will enhance your metabolism and get your body to start burning fat early in the morning. 1000 Calorie Diabetic diet restricts calorie intake.

OK let’s get started shall we? If you follow this simple little 1000 Calorie Diet Plan you should see some gradual weight loss.


You want to eat 300 calories here! This will be one of your biggest meals because it increases your metabolism early in the day to help even fatter burning. I suggest you eat a bowl of Quaker Oatmeal here along with a glass apple juice and a fruit of your choice. Oatmeal is full of fiber and actually makes you feel full since of its abundance of fiber.


Eat around 300 calories here as well. You should choose a lean meat that’s around 120-150 calories such as a piece of Salmon or lean chicken. Now add some green beans and another some fruit. This should set you right at 300 calories. You can even mix things up and get something like a lean cuisine meal which is low in calories.

Mid Afternoon:

So you already have eaten 600 of the 1000 calorie diet plan for weight loss allowed. This meal you want to eat about 200 calories. I suggest a good decent sized sandwich for this meal because you need some carbs in your diet like bread.


Don’t worry about how late you eat as long as it’s not past 9 pm at night. Eating a small meal late can actually help to enhance your metabolism before bedtime. But if you eat too long you run into risking weight gain due to your metabolism naturally slowing down at night. But you should eat something in the choice of 200-300 calories here for example a low calorie frozen diet meal. You could as well eat some pasta here but I do not recommend it because you already got enough of your carbs in with your bread.

1000 Calorie Diet Plan

One of the best ways to lose weight is to lessen the intake of calories. You only have to take fewer calories than what you usually consume. Though, you should make sure that you are providing your body the right quantity of calories in order to preserve a good level of metabolism. One of the most recommended diet plans is the 1000 calorie diet plan.

1000 Calorie Diet Meal Plan

Not all 1000 Calorie Diet Plans are the same. Some of them are low fat, low carbs and then there are those that are nothing but fad diets. But do you know which diet to go on and which one will help you lose weight the healthy way?

1000 Calories Diet Plan Vegetarian

With a 1000 Calories Diet Plan Vegetarian it is very easy to limit the calories, as fruit and vegetables are very low in calories. It is also one of the 1000 calorie diets that give you a nutrient and natural vitamin boost, thanks to all the fresh fruit and veggies. When you go on such a diet, it is important that you still get a source of fat free protein in.

1000 Healthy Calorie Meals

Healthy 1000 Calorie Meal Plan is balanced and healthy. They contain foods from all the important food groups and the composition of the diet won’t make you too tired or place you at risk for malnutrition. You should as far as possible try to only go on healthy 1000 calorie diet plan.

Healthy Low Calorie Meal Plans

1000 calorie diet plan for weight loss is balanced and includes foods from all the different foods groups. Though further unhealthy diets can have foods from only one or limited food groups. A healthy low calorie diet’s food is prepared the healthy way, to keep healthy foods.

Fad 1000 Calorie Diets

You must try to stay far away from fad diets. They contain food groups from only one or very limited food groups. They are also low in nutrients and vitamins and may hold in horrible side effects.

1000 Calorie Low Carb Meal Plans

The 1000 calorie low carb diet, is just what the name says, a low calorie diet that is low in carbs. These diets plans may leave you feeling tired, as carbs are what supply the body with energy. When you go on such a diet, it is best to do lighter exercise as usual.

1000 High Protein Calorie Diet

A high protein diet includes a lot of protein and it almost contains completely out of protein. While such a diet can help you to burn fat and build lean muscle mass, it can also make you feel nausea and have other side effects because of the high protein content.

What to Eat and What Not to Eat

There are many low cal Diet Plans for Weight Loss available numerous online websites. But most of them require a lot of attention and care. Also these diets take away the water weight that you gain back the moment you stop dieting. You can easily plan a diet for yourself taking 1000 calories a day. On an average our body needs 1200 to 1500 calories per day. Going below 1000 units might put you on starvation.
Here are few tips that would help you make your own 1000 Calorie a Day Diet plan for

Weight Loss:

  • Delete saturated food and junk food from your food list. As well cancel rice, potatoes, white flour, oily food, etc.
  • Exchange these with lean proteins, whole grains, raw fruits & vegetables, nuts, salads, juices, etc.
  • Reduce sodas from your diet plan.
  • In place of sugar, for sweetening use apples and honey.
  • For dressing the salad use lemon, cayenne pepper, and low sodium salt.
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine in all forms (smoking, tea, coffee, etc). You may take green tea or white tea instead.

Don’t forget to check your calorie count as you go along. There is a host of calorie counting websites on the internet. And the occasional oatmeal cookie will not do any harm is you are really suffering.

Good Luck……!

The 1000 calorie diet plan for weight loss is only one of numerous kinds of weight loss regime, and surely one of the most severe. If you want to get started on your diet now, visit Natural Health News for diet plans that promote healthy weight loss. Now that you know about all the different 1000 calorie diet plans for weight loss, you can choose the one that suits you most. If you want to lose fat with your diet, you can do so by including the top fat burning foods, in your diet. You can get a special report on the different types of fat burning foods by visiting our website.